To test this feature, it should be useful to generate TMX with all segments and empty targets:

4. Pseudo-translated memory


Of interest for advanced users only!

Before segments get translated, you may wish to pre-process them or address them in some other way than is possible with OmegaT. For example, if you wish to create a pseudo-translation for testing purposes, OmegaT enables you to create an additional tmx file that contains all segments of the project. The translation in this tmx can be either

  • translation equals source (default)

  • translation segment is empty

The tmx file can be given any name you specify. A pseudo-translated memory can be generated with the following command line parameters:

java -jar omegat.jar --pseudotranslatetmx=<filename> [pseudotranslatetype=[equal|empty]]

Replace <filename> with the name of the file you wish to create, either absolute or relative to the working folder (the folder you start OmegaT from). The second argument --pseudotranslatetype is optional. Its value is either equal (default value, for source=target) or empty (target segment is empty). You can process the generated tmx with any tool you want. To reuse it in OmegaT rename it toproject_save.tmx and place it in theomegat-folder of your project.

Chapter 13. Translation memories
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