New static hosting services and low-cost infrastructures

With these new tools at hand, what stays is the question: where you will host your static site in 2018.

GitHub Pages is still an option, even Amazon s3 is great for static site hosting, but new services like Now and Netlify that have entered the scene offer tailored experiences to go static.

These services let you easily connect your GitHub repo, define a build script, then get a generated static site, delivered by a fast content delivery network in a matter of minutes.

Another advantage – all these new tools come with command-line interfaces (CLI’s) available via npm, so you don’t have to leave the JavaScript ecosystem and are even able to troubleshoot problems yourself.

And best of all, these tools come with generous free plans and very little administrative overhead. For me as a JavaScript Frontend Developer, having no devops hassle but being ready to scale is like heaven.

Source: The new era of static sites – how JavaScript powers everything

The new era of static sites – how JavaScript powers everything
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