Khóa học online 2 tuần miễn phí về TRIZ của Leonid Chechurin, bắt đầu ngày thứ hai 14/1/2019:

(cập nhật 6/5/2019: đường dẫn khóa học này được đổi thành

CS30A7381SS Systematic Creativity and TRIZ basics Online
Online 14.01.2019-28.01.2019 | taught by Systems Engineering Lab LUT
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Course description

Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) toolkit for invention and systematic creativity.
How to invent and improve a system?
How to make it systematically?
Which tools can be used for that?

Leonid Chechurin từng làm tư vấn về TRIZ cho LG và một số công ty ở Hàn Quốc, mấy năm gần đây ông ấy làm giáo sư đại học ở Phần Lan.

Ông có làm một thống kê về các lĩnh vực ứng dụng TRIZ qua 100 bài báo khoa học về TRIZ được tham khảo nhiều nhất:

TRIZ in Science. Reviewing Indexed Publications

Trong đó có kết luận:

The detail review of 100 most cited papers revealed that TRIZ home court application is product/process design still. However, almost the same popularity of TRIZ is shown in the area of information processing (literature based discovery, patent search and classification etc.). The latter is believed to be a raising trend and given the particular attention in the review. We conclude that TRIZ is mostly integrated or applied. Contradiction matrix remains the most popular TRIZ instrument, that is as easiest-to-take as primitive heritage of the theory, unfortunately. A few contributions that modify or customize TRIZ for specific fields, and almost no new TRIZ
theoretical developments. Interestingly enough, application/adapting of TRIZ for heuristic mathematical/physical problem solving, algorithm design, coding or/and software design seem also to have met serious difficulties, there are no influential publications on these subjects. Either TRIZ is most successful in application in “hardware-based” design only, or math-equipped professionals do not require additional creativity aid. It is also reflected by the observation that the majority of TRIZ-related indexed articles are published in low impact journals.

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