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Nhà văn Nam Hà: ‘Ôi, Tổ quốc mà ta yêu quý nhất’
http://m.daidoanket.vn/tinh-hoa-viet/nha-van-nam-ha-oi-to-quoc-ma-ta-yeu-quy-nhat-tintuc406726 Nhà văn Nam Hà (1933 – 2018 ) tên khai sinh là Nguyễn Anh Công quê ở xã Bắc Sơn, huyện Đô Lương, Nghệ An. Ông xuất hiện trên văn đàn những năm sau hòa bình ở miền Bắc
Best Picks for Early Childhood STEM Learning | Common Sense Education
https://www.commonsense.org/education/top-picks/best-picks-for-early-childhood-stem-learning Coding and Programming ScratchJr Drag-and-drop programming is an effective intro for budding coders Bottom line: With a little adult help, this is a great platform for getting kids into programming. Grades: K–2 Price: Free Get it now See full review Codeable Crafts
10 Best Science Tools for Elementary | Common Sense Education
https://www.commonsense.org/education/top-picks/10-best-science-tools-for-elementary NOVA Compelling science videos have high-quality classroom applications Bottom line: Stellar simulations, teacher guides, and other activities can stand on their own, and they’re enhanced with high-quality video content. Grades: Pre-K–12 Price: Free Visit websiteSee full review BrainPOP Jr. Top-notch educational videos
Flohmarkt (for second hand stuff) in Germany
Cảnh chợ bán đồ cũ ở khu Littenweiler, Freiburg, có gắn với đảng SPD.