Dự án Gutenberg (chuyên lưu trữ các tác phẩm kinh điển) có một mục là làm platform để quảng bá miễn phí cho các tác giả đương đại: tác giả viết ebook, vẫn giữ bản quyền, nhưng cho phép người đọc xem miễn phí, đổi lại là được quảng bá sách trên nền tảng “tự xuất bản” của dự án Gutenberg.
If your goal is to get published, waiting patiently for another round of rejection letters is not going to get you any closer to that goal. Get your book out to readers and let them decide if they like it. So it’s time to take control of your book’s destiny. The Author’s Community Self-Publishing Press can help you reach your publishing goals.
The publishing industry is not set up that way. They are setup to make the money first and then after you have sold a 1,000 copies of your book you can start receiving a small percentage. Most publishers want you to pay hundreds of dollars up-front to agree to publish your book. Additionally, you will most likely have to pay for cover art, placement, promotional campaigns, table placement at book fairs, etc.. By the time all is done, you will have entered in to a part-time job promoting your book, and have had given thousands to your publisher before ever making $1 back from them.
Why hassle with all that? Publishing your book should be liberating, not burdensome. Let The Author’s Community Self-Publishing Press do it all for you, getting your book in the hands of readers, freeing yourself to write you next book. After all isn’t that the point of it anyway?
Source: Project Gutenberg Self-Publishing – eBooks Why Choose to Self-Publish at The Author’s Community?
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