Hà Nhật Tân August 7, 2017 · VINHOMES & ĐÀI HOÁ THÂN HOÀN VŨ Hồi trưa, trong lúc trà dư tửu hậu, một người bạn hỏi Phễu tui về Vinhomes Tân Cảng. Anh đang muốn mua một căn. Mấy cái vụ
Open Tech School
http://www.opentechschool.org/ The OpenTechSchool initiative Hi, we are OpenTechSchool, a distributed community initiative organising welcoming and inclusive code learning happenings with real people in the real world. Our offers are for technology enthusiasts of all ages, genders, backgrounds, and experience levels. On top,
How to organize a Science Hack Day in your city
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dzb_QCYxi3I 1. Lock down a venue and a date This is the most vital step to make your event happen. Once you have a venue and a date, it’s easier to find sponsors, co-organizers, volunteers, and make all your plans. You
Berlin Science Hacking (Berlin, Germany) | Meetup
What we’re about This meetup, which started back in April 2015, grew out of the community of weird scientists and hackers that got to know each other through the annual hackathon Science Hack Day Berlin (http://berlin.sciencehackday.org/). Wanting to hack science
Getting started with Mu, a Python editor for beginners | Opensource.com
It’s interesting that a music teacher, who just came to Python via Raspberry Pi lessons provided in hobby meetups, now contributes to the big trend of community-led education, by making a professional editor for teaching beginners. Nicholas Tollervey! Mu is