Ch has a long history focusing on Control System Design, with the aim to compete with MATLAB:

Ch Control System Toolkit is free for academic use, subject to the license agreement in the license. It can be downloaded here. It costs $199 for personal or commercial use. It is included in Ch Professional Edition for ARM (Raspberry Pi).

Ch and Embedded Ch are free for Raspberry Pi and ARM based computers such as Orange Pi!

C-STEM Studio from UC Davis uses Ch:

Based on C++ CGI Toolkit in Ch, we provide interactive web-based calculation, 2D/3D plotting, numerical analysis, OpenGL graphics, and control system design and analysis.

This service can be used for computation of mathematical formulas in C expression, complex, matrix computation, and grade point average (GPA) calculation.

2D/3D Plotting
This service can be used for two and three dimenensional plotting with data points from functions or raw data. A porgram for plotting of functions can also be generated dynamically on-line.

Numerical Analysis
This service can be used for advanced numerical analysis. including analysis of linear systems, differential equation solving, integration, non-linear equations, Fourier analysis, curve fitting, etc.

Mechanism Design and Analysis
This service can be used for design and analysis of four-bar, crank-slider, five-bar, six-bar linkages including fourbar/crank-slider, Watt six-bar, Stephenson six-bar, and cam-follower mechanisms.

Control System Design and Analysis
This service can be used for design and analysis of continuous-time or discrete-time linear time-invarient (LTI) control systems. A control system can be modeled in the form of transfer functions, zero-pole-gain, or state-space.

Web Based OpenGL
An example on how to generate OpenGL graphics in the web.

Source: Web Services in Ch

Web Services in Ch
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