Trang web này của một công ty bán đồ chơi thí nghiệm cho trẻ em, có nhiều bài hướng dẫn làm thí nghiệm với hình ảnh minh họa:—1000plus-Free-Science-Experiments/3 (công ty này chắc của một bà mẹ gốc Trung Quốc
SOLO taxonomy for education
Presentations introducing SOLO Taxonomy: SOLO Taxonomy SOLO Taxonomy (structure of observed learning outcomes) provides a simple, reliable and robust model for three levels of understanding – surface deep and conceptual (Biggs and Collis 1982). At the prestructural level of understanding, the task is
Creations – Kano World
259,013 CONNECTED KANOS  57,825,320 LINES OF CODE  682,309 CREATIONS SHARED Source: Intro about Kano: One of the 10 most innovative companies in the world in 2017. Our achievements 150,000+ kits shipped to 86 countries 30m+ lines written by
Getting started with Mu, a Python editor for beginners |
It’s interesting that a music teacher, who just came to Python via Raspberry Pi lessons provided in hobby meetups, now contributes to the big trend of community-led education, by making a professional editor for teaching beginners. Nicholas Tollervey! Mu is